Along with my major research interests such as Natural Resource Management, Drought Management, Agriculture is one of my favorite topic for research and analysis. Agriculture is not only the most important economic activity that feed entire human population, it is also single source of livelihood for world's most poor and marginal population. With openness provided by Internet Forums and #SocialMedia, there is a possibility of an inclusive policy discussion. One of such discussion was conducted by @IDRC "Are genetic crops the answer to the world food crisis? Ask India's Green Revolution founder" on World Food Day, 2013. Though, I don't endorse genetic food for people due to possible generic massacre of agricultural gene-pool, my interest was solving food crisis. Hence my Question to M S Swaminathan, known as the father of the Green Revolution in India was this: @AmiSri @IDRC_CRDI @DougSaunders MyQuestion: Despite India has wor...
...Coming across different shades of life, compels to think in more colours... dream in many worlds! So, my posts reflect that departure n variation! एक विद्रोही की यात्रा...