“Ignorance is the night of the mind, a night without moon or star” ~ Confucius Starting with this quote of Confucius, I wanted to draw our attention on the ignorance we are carrying forward in our daily life. It is not about being a pessimist or being a critique, but an observation from real life situation. Talking about our society and country... a high level of ignorance could be found at every aspect. It is not only political, economic but also societal and personal. One of the most common attribute to the ‘educated’ class, when you talk about ‘politics’ or ‘public policy’ they make face of disgust. It a fashion and its contagious. They would flaunt it and say, ‘I hate politics’. Majority of them, never go and vote. However, they never miss a chance to cruse and abuse the criminal type political leader who was elected due to ignorance of such people. But they love their ignorance! And you cant convince them to do... not to blame. The Ignorance [Image
...Coming across different shades of life, compels to think in more colours... dream in many worlds! So, my posts reflect that departure n variation! एक विद्रोही की यात्रा...