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The World Record Holders of Genocide!

I am posting this article on 'my story' blog, because I was attacked personally by one of CPM office holders of Mumbai in a public froum on the issue of supporting 'Tibetan Freedom Movement'. Here is the article:

It is a good example, how fanatic a communist can be. After a quick research in news sources, I found the total number of deaths caused by communist regime. They have killed more people than all regime together. Here is the data, how communists have killed the most people in the human history.

- People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong's regime (1949-1975): 40 000 000
Guinness Book of World Records: Although nowadays they don't come right out and declare Mao to be the Top Dog in the Mass Killings category, earlier editions (such as 1978) did, and they cited sources which are similar, but not identical, to the Glaser & Possony sources:
- On 7 Apr. 1969 the Soviet government radio reported that 26,300,000 people were killed in China, 1949-65.
- In April 1971 the cabinet of the government of Taiwan reported 39,940,000 deaths for the years 1949-69.
- The Walker Report: between 32,2500,000 and 61,700,000.

- Stalin's regime (1924-53): 20 000 000

- Chinese Civil war: (1945-49): 2 500 000

- Tibet (1950 et seq.): Chinese occupation. (For the most part, it's already been included in the numbers above.) Free Tibet Campaign []
* Tibetans killed by the Chinese since 1950: 1,200,000
* Died in prisons and labour camps between 1950 and 1984: up to 260,000

- Naxalites in India from 1990 to till date: 50,000

- Pol-Pot in Vietnam have have killed 10,00000
- CPI-M in West Bengal and Kerala- 20,000 Till date
(and accommodate millions of illegal Bangladeshi migrants)

Friends, knowing all this, if someone still support such pan-communist killers. After committing all these killing they are qualified to be termed and mass-butchers. One can imagine such people can be more ruthless than even Satan. Ironically, the Indian version of communists are not opening their mouth on present Tibet issue.

This article is also available on


Umesh (Predi) said…
Hmm...Nice info..
Actually Left guys totally sux... But their ideology still makes me think :\
Unfortunately It cannot be implemented practically...

Anywayz...I liked ur Hindi poems..Really good..Keep it up..
And wish u luck for ur website :P
Miruna said…
Why would you count only Stalin in Russia? 58,627,000 people died between 1922-1991 in USSR (10 million were killed by the KGB during the Second World War...that's a sweet story)
Pol Pot was in Cambogia, not Vietnam, and the number of deaths is between 2.500.500 million and 3 million.
In Vietnam, on the other hand, the number of deaths rises to almost 1.700.000.
In Romania, we had "only" 435,000 (1948-1989), half in Bulgaria, while in your beloved Hungary (Hungarian People's Republic back then), only 27.000 died, while Poland registered 22.000 deaths - the Pope was Polish ;). But you know, the catholic countries had less deaths than the orthodox ones in Europe.
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