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Still voyage is on...

The crossroads of my life!

Keep waiting for me
with all those surprises..

Heading in where?
where shall I arrived...
Is this a voyage towards nowhere!

Still, I got to go!
go with time, with the trend,
Life says: One must go...

The puzzling quest of people,
to get more.. to keep more!
I wonder what will they do it with all more!

Have you gone through
Behavioral changes in situations,
psychiatric breakdowns and depressions...
Yes! I have been through it all!
An adventurous life I am blessed with!

The characters have made it
more colourful and interesting...
Sometime the promises and dreams
of everlasting become day or week-lasting!

The mean buddies have poked emotionally,
and have been ditched for better option!
Ideology, consciousness and faith,
have been misused often!

Still voyage is on...
with more energy and adventure!
Unexplored avenues are amazing
and shall be sailing towards departure!

Yes! I got to go...
in tandem with life!
with no alibi for lagging behind।

© अमित Amit


sameema said…
hey amit
nice attempt
specially the line that I liked to repeat quite few times was

"Sometime the promises and dreams
of everlasting become day or week-lasting!"
i mean this term week lasting was engaging and also well used in the poem
there is almost a complete lack of rhyme in ur poem
though at times u have used words that rhyme like adventure and departure interenting and week lasting still the metre is such that the rhyme doesnt give u the feeling of rhyming I mean ... u know what I am saying???
still it was fun reading it and its honesty was very beautiful..
go on buddy.. carry on ur voyage
Amit Srivastava said…
Thanks Sameema
for appreciations and suggestions. Your feedback is really encouraging. Actually... tht wasn't really a poem.. just random thought... with blend of words. truly spontaneous and expressive.
Unknown said…
quite realistic and well expression of deep thoughts!!

if this is what u call random thoughts ...i think u are really good

i really like that zeal to just go on and on..:))

keep up the good work
Anonymous said…
Much more than a poem.... I get d emotion dat goes wid each line... in one word - "overwhelming"
Anonymous said…
But w8, when reading it again, overwhelming says only 5 cents of wht all it is.... its depressing n inspiring, both at the same tym!!!

But I guess thr is no road map to life... u hav to hit n try n dats how u navigate ur way through... n I think dat is wht makes life intresting to live... One doesn't always get to decide one's destiny...
Keep on writing... while u continue ur voyage...

Neha d kido

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