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Political Movement of Youth For Euality

Youth For Equality is launching a political wing, which initially has 20,000 students, doctors, engineers, lawyers and common people from civil society. Huge numbers of faculties from various institutions have also joined this movement and today this movement goes public.

This political movement by non-political people is historic as for the first time more than 20,000 students, doctors, engineers, lawyers and faculty-members of various educational institutions across India have come together to launch this movement.

Youth for Equality will not follow the usual route of other political parties in selecting candidates but will support a person who will support our ideology, who will be selected as a People’ Candidate through an open selection process by various organizations, NGO’s, Resident welfare associations and civil society.

Unique features of Our political movement

  1. First time in the history of India a students organization is launching its political wing. Till day Political parties have been launching their student wings.
  1. Membership of Youth for Equality is not open for all but only on reference of an existing member
  1. Person has to work for social cause and give a time commitment of at least one hour every week.
  1. Policies and our directions will be decided by non political people who will never come into executive working of the organization. Office bearers will only be powerless executives discharging their responsibilities.
  1. We are first in India to make our accounts completely transparent and will be disclosed to all every month. How ever small or big transactions may be.
  1. There will be a panel of 3 independent people’s commissioners who will be eminent public personalities to supervise all affairs in the organization. They will not be members of youth for equality.
  1. Will not field our own candidate but will give our platform to People’s Candidate. (Selection of LOK Umeedwar defined in annexure.)
  1. We are also launching a nationwide Election Helpline for using 49’0 (None of the above) option. This helpline will also give details of candidate’s background in Delhi.

    Numbers are 9968880956 and 9968880958


  1. Anti reservation Ideology
  2. First political organization to favor 49’0
  3. No criminals in politics campaign
  4. Swiss Bank 3 Trillion black money belonging to Indians be bought back.
  5. Change -
    1. Outdated Constitution,
    2. Various criminal laws and peoples’ representation act,
    3. Age limit, qualification, right to recall,
    4. Punishment system for criminal, law breakers
  6. Stricter judiciary, stringent laws and no escape route for corruption and other crime including terrorism.
  7. Fixing target and fixing accountability for each small or big government sponsored scheme.

Lok Umeedwar

    Qualifications of a People’s Candidate

    1. Educational qualification : Minimum Graduate
    2. Age: 25-40
    3. Very clean image and a respectable figure
    4. Commitment to our ideology
    5. Resignation before nomination
Selection procedure:
  1. Resumes are being invited from residents across Delhi
  2. All of them will be screened by an expert Panel of eminent people.
  3. Top 10 will be sent to RWA’s, Trader associations, NGO’s and other organizations in that area to give grades to all the 10.
  4. The person with with the best rating will be elected as people’s candidate
  5. And will be fielded from New Delhi constituency and our volunteers will campaign for him.
on email id theone [at]


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