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Social Enterprises are mean to address the social issues. Their main goal is to meet the cause, along with the financial sustainability of the organization. A social entrepreneur would always opt for the way to choose the cost efficient methods to meet its end. The communication and promotion are always tricky issue for such organizations. Social media provide a suitable solution for social ventures to propagate and popularize their product, services or cause without any cost. It would also get new volunteers and potential recruits who would identify themselves with the cause. This is a new boon for social organization.
Social media is a major factor in the success of social enterprises. As per a report in 'The Guardian' about a survey on Social Ventures, two thirds of social enterprises (67%) are using social media in the day-to-day running of their businesses. The majority of social enterprises around 85 per cent, social media to promote their products and services, half of them use these media for networking online with other organisations.
There are similar trends in Indian scenario as well. The social events, a caused based gathering, many time the concept of social organization start on the social media platform. The recent Jan Lokpal movement by Anna Hazare was widely popularized through social media channels. Similarly, the educational organizations are widely adopting social media to enhance their reach and popularity.
The best part of the social media is that the most popular social media channels and social media outlets are often free or low cost. These social networks include some major sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Orkut, these networks are widely used by social enterprises. Micro-blogging on twitter is also gaining momentum. Even big corporate houses such as Reliance and Tata, are relying on social media for their social initiatives. These advantages of social media have given the much needed panacea for social enterprises.


Anonymous said…
awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks.

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Amit Srivastava said…
yes! I am there on all Social Media platforms. Links are there on this blog. You can also find it at:
Kanchan said…
Nice...!!! but few lines to add,

Social media has become a very friendly platform to understand customers on one on one basis. With this medium the companies create a direct relationship with their customers to build up the Brand loyalty and establish a very reliable community to understand the feedback. Reaching to the right consumers has become easy and fruitful. On social media you have people from all over the world listening. When your market is crowd you can discover another somewhere else.

Most importantly not only big ventures, the small ventures make their way into business to make a long term relationship. Small business owners are able to build relationships, gain return customers, and receive referrals by marketing the skills. Small businesses will benefit tremendously from creating a profile on these social networking sites which contains all information that users need in order to evaluate the small business’ qualifications. Hence, today it is recommended to make best use of it.

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