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My message to fellow Hindus on this Vijayadashami


On auspicious occasion of Vijayadashami, I would like to remind my folks few little things, these little things matter a lot for our cultural and physical existence. Pardon me for my little capacity or grammatical errors.

This is about world's largest genocide during 20th and 21st centuries. That didn't happen in Nazi concentration camp. It happened in erstwhile India, what liberal prefer to call 'South Asia' now. After 1947, Pakistan was having second largest Hindu population in the world.

Most of them were Bengali and Punjabi Hindus. Punjabi Hindus were not only massacred in Pakistan, but also in India. During 1970s and 1980s, thousands of Hindus were killed in India's Pakistan. But yes, It was very less number compared to the millions kill in Punjab and Bengal.

Incidentally, Bengalis had advantageous position in modern education, and they rule Indian academia till date. But ironically, we hardly find any research paper, article or even a monograph by these Bengali intellectuals on the genocide of Bengali Hindus. It is not that they are not aware of, it is not that they are not sensitive about it.

It was about their ideology, they choose to ignore the plight of own creed, own people. Same Bengali intellectuals have written volumes against Israel, condemning killed of few Palestinians. No, I am not joking, they really have done that.

If we find something today on world's largest genocide, it would be writings of foreigners or the global media. Few people like me too have written about it, but it get immediately discredited by these Sharia-Bolsevik intellectuals.

Even if the government change, they manage to remain in control, moreover their opponents, don't prefer their own people as they're highly scared of the people who know the reality.

So folks, we are by our own. And we don't have luxury of time. Sangh has already taken almost a century to do little bit of Hindu rise. But still we have to fight for our faith... In Sabarimala, in Ayodhya, in Amaranth. We don't have another century. Think of it. Get organized to save yourself from extinction.
Jai Shri Ram!


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