We are going to launch a campaign for the victims of Nithar massacre. Whatever happened in Nithari, is not yet another incident, which happen with the kids from poor families. The incident was not just matter of law and order; rather it was result of many factors. The implications and causes behind this hilarious act are very complicated, it include
- the growing unethical mass consume culture, where for the sake of self pleasure one can go up to any extent a direct consequence of adopting globalize culture
- the non-responsible behavior of our own elected political leaders, who allow and do all possible hilarious acts
- lackhs of children go missing every year, thousands of kids being sold in red lite area and farm houses
- Thousands of farmer have ended their own life because of poverty
- uncontrolled killings of poor citizen of
Each incidence is inter-related since poor are being targeted from all side, from state, from political violators and from criminals. It is high time to raise up the voice, when even media favor the rich. The great example is again from Noida only, the son of MNC’s CEO was kidnapped – whole media made it an international issue, which is surely appreciated but the same media acted hastily in mass kidnapping and killings of kids in Nithari! How easily CBI solved, media forgotten it, and civil society (if it exists) is forgetting it!
Friends, the kids of poor families are most exploited and vulnerable section of
Here is whole schedule:
From this Sunday,22nd April, 2007 we are starting our program for
BUM (Bharat Uday Mission)
Our Program will be a regular feature in weekends and holidays and public places and will be in 5 phases:
1. Documentary Shoots and Presentations on
2. RTI Awareness Campaigns and RTI Workshops
3. Citizenship Movement to make citizens of NCR aware about their rights and duties.
4. Networking with other Social Organaizations in
5. Protesting Human Rights Violation anywhere in
Our 1st Episode is on 22nd April, Sunday, 2007, 10 AM.
Our Program:
1. Assemble at Sarai Kaley Khan ISBT at 10 AM on 22nd April,Sunday
2. Form the team and move to Nithari.
3. Meet Affected Families and interact with them and shoot their present condition on camera
4. RTI awareness campaign and filling RTI applications on behalf of Citizens of Nithari.
5. Our Team meeting for next plan of Action.
With Kind Regards,