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Blasts in Delhi.. Again! but why??

12th Sept night was little bit lengthy and I was working on my research paper. It happened so time consuming, I went bed at 4.30 AM of 13th Sept, but 3 hours later i had to getup as, friends had came to visit me. without proper sleep, I was not feeling so well, but still have to work. Had my breakfast and started for studying.. within a few minutes I got a call, from someone who was claiming to be a policeman. He straightly asked the contact number of some girl. The number was something like - 9268XX9770. Since, I dint know, I humbly denied that i don't have any number of such person. hearing this, the person gone mad... said, I will book you and 'dekh lunga' and so on.. I kept the call... It was an unwanted, uninvited headache for me.. I called some friends, and by them I came to know that these guys do 'wasooli' (extortion) kinda thing. I called to police control room and informed them about such things. After an hour, someone from Vasant Vihar police station called me and confirmed that the number belong to 'kashmiri gate' police station. I asked, why the hell he dared to call me and talk like this? the fellow on other side said sorry for the incident and said that they have removed my number some list...

I wondered, how badly policemen have decreased upto this level, they are doing 'wasooli' for private firms... they don't have work? don't they care about damn security thing of this city! just few hours later, I heard this news of serial bomb blasts!! It didn't surprise me... one can guess, how easy to carry out such operations, when cops are busy on working for 'call center' kinda sub-contracting job. These blasts have taken lives of more than 40 people, hundred are injured... families ruined and still there will be come statement and counter statement by our politicians. 'Panchnama' by police... News and counter news for TV channels and yet another blast for common man.. who is suffering it the most! Being a common man, you have to pay for their misdeeds, ignorance and immoral acts- all time- when they are at work and when they are not at work. Do you have a clue, how to get into the route cause of the problem? be it Indian mujaheddin, Al-quaida, ISI or CIA or any damn crook criminals!? ... no one have! a system which is valueless, chaotic and greedy from top end to bottom end- we can expect their response.


Anonymous said…
sad part of this is tht even after all this....not much wud b done
no idea y our forefathers sacrificed their lives for...this freedom or apathy?
Unknown said…
we cannt blame only police n government.......we all r responsible ...some how....we hav to check ourselves too...

its hight time to think n react accordingly..

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