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Is the times of India a rouge news paper?

As we know, major media houses are in hands of communists and congressmen. This fact controls the behavior of public opinion in county at much larger scale. They have been always promoting the weathered ethical values in respect of Indian tradition. News and opinions are always far from reality in most of crucial cases, even we count the upper strata of English speaking Indians.

Metro centered media houses are only concern with big cities and celebrities. While major social, economical and development issues get space in once in blue moon, those too in some narrow corner strip. The Hindu is exception to this trend; however it is highly biased for left ideology When communists kill people, The Hindu supported them openly in Nandigram incident.

For time being we can forget their political inclination in order to look at their ethical stand. I found the times of India stand at top with all rubbish, non ethical news on its front page. Yesterday that is 10 May 2009, the front page of Delhi and national edition showed ‘Gay marriage’ with utmost important news, with all possible masala. Almost half of the front page was devoted to this news. While many other important news dint find a space on front page, which they deserve. This is not first time TOI did it, they have been doing intentionally and purposefully.

Though I don’t subscribe that newspaper, but occasionally find a time for other news papers for news analysis. This is how I saw this news. I remember similar news when France was playing world cup finale with Italy. Same amount of front page was devoted along with many stupid facts: comparison of these two countries in - age at first sex, number of sexual partners and so on. Do we validate such things here in India? Are we ethically bankrupt to read a masala news paper? Or Indian media don’t care about the real news of real people?

Is not this paper is rough while doing this? The lords of public opinion, left intellectuals wont utter a single words on it, as this would help in their ethic less, value free, anti-state and anarchist ideologies. But wait for new more years… we are coming to take on you.


Sonal Jhuj said…
how true. no wonder i shifted to indian express :)

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