While Delhi police dont have good reputation in handling the grievances of citizens, the IT division is doing excellent job via Social Media, Phone Calls and SMS.
Recently, one rouge policemen charged and ceased my vehicle inappropriately, even though there was offense from my side. It caused me lots of inconvenience, I had to run around police stations for one week. While my complain against this act is still under process, I came to know about the Delhi Traffic Police's facebook page. I started following the posts and actions.
I was surprised to see the attentiveness and grievances disposal mechanism was being delivered via facebook seamlessly. On this page, the aware citizen can post about offensive or inappropriate acts of vehicle owners, or about some abusive policemen, or any query about the document, all matters are being addressed promptly. The blow is screenshot from the facebook page of Delhi police posted few hours ago:
I must congratulate to the concern personnel and Delhi Traffic Police for using social media to approach citizens. This example is best role model for other police departments, at least the in four main metros. I wish to see the end of red-tap-ism and the rule of gundagardi from Indian police by enabling IT, Social media and People's participation.