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Poor and Environment : Who cares about them?

Environmental concerns are least bothered by government and policy agencies. Hence, the ecological priorities are at last place not in public policies but also on the individual sensibility as well.
Politics, caste, cricket, movies and sexual gossips are the favorite topics of educated section of Indian mass, while other masses keep themselves busy discussing fake and doctored aura of family politicians, movie stars, local goons and livelihood worries. Environment does not make it anywhere.   The traditional values which had concerns about commons are on rapid way of extinction. Now, grooves are not consider sacred, rivers are no more consider lifelines and mothers. The ruthless materialism via greedy capitalism is getting into the nerves of everyone.
The concept of sustainability was so much internalized in Indian traditions to treat the commons with respect, but the western protagonists, specially the Marxists discard these ecological traditions as well… sometimes in name of secularism, sometime in name of development.
The people of margins, the poor are always the development refugee or environmental refugee. Interestingly, Marxists make their livelihood in name of these poor people.  They exists in all AC govt offices, research organizations, and costly drawing rooms, they care only about surrogated western ideology of Marx. They don’t even feel pity about Indian poor who are development refugee or environmental refugee by public and private projects.
Only few days ago, India had it first environmental martyr, who chose to die instead of seeing the miners’ greedy dirt in Holy River Ganga.  Swami Nigamanad died fasting against mining mafias who are still polluting the Ganga. I received information of his long fast on 40th day of his fast, with my limited capacities, I sent mail to authorities, groups and no result. I was not surprised by such lame response on environmental issue.  Our priorities are really skewed and screwed!


Hemant Rana said…
Totally agree with you dear. One day we will be left with no water, thus no crops, no food...then the educated and ignorant masses will realize that they are too late to realize that the earth was moving under their feet but their feet were not on earth. When I visited India in 2009, I realized people have no idea what is hitting them. Most people just accept the reality that the corruption is the way of life and this is the state of the nature that they can live and sustain. Ask them what freedom and liberty means to them and they just shrug the question.
Hemant Rana said…
Totally agree with you dear. One day we will be left with no water, thus no crops, no food...then the educated and ignorant masses will realize that they are too late to realize that the earth was moving under their feet but their feet were not on earth. When I visited India in 2009, I realized people have no idea what is hitting them. Most people just accept the reality that the corruption is the way of life and this is the state of the nature that they can live and sustain. Ask them what freedom and liberty means to them and they just shrug the question.

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