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Crimes of a Lunatic Govt

The Planning Commission told the Supreme Court that anyone spending more than Rs 965 per month in urban India and Rs 781 in rural India will be deemed not to be poor. At same time Govt has increased creamy layer income up to 4.5 lakhs per year. It means, anyone from who is earning 45,000 Rs can avail all facilities, quota, preferences and reservations along with those who are earning 781 Rs per month. If the poor family earning 781 Rs per month is from non-category castes, they have to pay more for govt facilities and education compare to Rs 45,000 earning families. This gross injustice is being institutionalised by govt as poor don't form a consolidated vote bank?
However, this white lie of government can not change the reality. With skyhigh food inflation rates, every month millions of unemployed population falling into the trap of poverty. Small farmers, landless labourers, wage workers and people at the margins of economy don't get occasional hikes in their income. The pro-rich policies of present government have made more than 500 million population poor as they are force to live below the survival income in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) at Indian price. No wonder India has largest number of poor, highest number of illiterate, biggest number of malnourished children and highest deaths due to starvation.
Since, the power centre is in hand of a single dynasty with influencing effects from some corporate houses and few caste-religion mongers, government priority never include the economically weaker section of society.
In the name of social justice, this lunatic govt has only one panacea: 'the Caste Reservations'. The latest example came from 93rd constitutional amendment, which was done as top priority of this govt. This act provide quotas for OBCs in Central Universities/Institutes. It is to note that it was only for higher education. If we count all those 'reserved' seats even in these higher education institutes it won't cross even 25 thousands. This much of number can't give social justice to a single caste in India. Ultra rich from any caste can easily surpass this number. However, with the help of crooked academicians and yellow journalist govt successfully project itself as doer of social justice. Resultant caste votes yield them power again! But it was the poor who was cheated in name of social justice. A hard working SC guy coming from remote village has to compete with the son of millionaire minister or bureaucrat or businessmen from same caste. Same with the guys from OBCs. The joke of creamy layers as discussed above is to mock only their poverty. Now, think about a poor guy from general caste: he has to pay double of OBC guy and four time more of SC/ST guy. With no economic concession in education. His hard earn knowledge with limited resources is of no use as seats are reserved for those castes who even scores in negative sometimes! Jai Ho!!

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