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Namaste Bharat! Happy Deepawali...

'Yunan Misr Roman, sab mit gaye jaha se,
Ab tak magar hai baaki namo nisaan humara...'

Though above line were written by great urdu poet Iqbaal, who turned into a Jihadi soon after the movement of a separate Islamic state. However, these lines tell the truth about human civilization. Every other civilization vanished after upcoming/invasion of new one. At same time Bharatiya civilization continued since the time eternal and will be there till the eternity owing its natural ways and the ultimate resilience.

Since the times before Harappa and Saraswati River civilization and till current 21st century, the Diya of Deepawali has been lightening the land of Bharatvarsh every year.

This Deepawali has always brought Ram Rajya and prosperity to the Bharatiyas. Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram came back to Ayodhya on this great day, Shri Krishana relieved the people from the tyranny from great asuras.

And even today, each and every household of Bharatvarsh welcomes the homecoming of good rule, prosperity, empowerment and the joy.

Unlike west and islamic cultures, where society is largely netted on the mean materialistic relations, where people are violent and cold hearted for others and strangers, we Bharatiya have great respect for every being.

Owing to our seasonal festivals, which come with great lessons of co-existance, inclusion and concept of world-family, the common populace are peace-loving, most tolerant, inclusive, cheerful and ready to welcome every guest with great heart. This is more true even with the people who are on the margins of the society.

I have been lucky enough to see different civilization in person and whenever I compare, my Bharat stand way ahead of others. I am proud of my culture who gave me such a big perspective... I am proud of my forefathers who fought the countless wars to protect our Dharma. And I am committed to pass this culture to coming generation with more richness and protection.


2069 Vikram Samvat
7:11 pm, 13 November 2012
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel


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