17th August 2011, 3.35 AM
The whole day I went running as protester, as there is a mass scale uprising in India. Since Anna Hazare was arrested, all of us were very, very angered - therefore protests were organized in many locations of Delhi.
When it came to personal time, I turned to my work - but things where churning in my mind. When the night came I tried remembering past events. I led a similar kind of movement, tried my best to keep it a ‘collective leadership’ model. Thus, I have some mixed experiences from my past. Same things coming in my mind…
Tonight in this strange situation I am forced to remain awake for the rest of the night.
I tried earlier to boost-up a friend who is like a younger brother to me - he was in need of spiritual, moral, and psychological support. Since the conversation/explanation lasted long, I decided to stay awake for the rest of the night. First, I Watched a Si-Fi thriller movie, but than I had nothing to do. Incidentally I found that my Blackberry phonebook is full of contacts which are no longer in use. I decided to clean them. Going through the names I clearly remember the faces and associated memories. Many times I refused to delete them, but on second thought I realized that it’s not good to store useless things. How time plays a powerful role in our life!
People come to you when they see a hope in you. They follow an approach which make a process to utilize the opportunity or relationship. You need to understand their intentions. This is what I thought when I came across some of these contacts. An awful feeling ran across the thought process regarding the meaningless mean behavior of some people. When you are needed, they call you several times a day… killing hours from your limited lifespan… and then get disappear. Many of them tried to be the best person with you… all care and love.