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The Story of Blackberry

Prologue: Smartphones are addictive

How a Blackberry Phone 'feels' - enjoy reading
Dear Owner,

Read this - its nice and fun ...

I'm so lucky I'm your BlackBerry!

You hold me with both hands as gently as u could be.

You ensure that I am always with you.

If I fall you are afraid of my injury.

I always have your undivided attention, you get upset if others disturb our time together.

U can never forget me in a taxi & u won't let me go unlike my old friends nokia, sony and samsung that u would proudly just hand over.

When u eat, I'm beside u.

When u r on the toilet seat, I'm with u.

When u sleeping, my head is by ur pillow.

When I scream u rush and pick me like an egg.

When I feel low, you make every effort to recharge my battery.

When I am hungry, you fill me with airtime.

You buy me all sorts of clothes to cover my precious skin.

And if I make u feel like a cowboy u strap me to ur waist or jeans.

Every month you ensure that you set aside the money, to buy me bundles (of love).

You upgraded me from my friends nokia, sony and samsung to a Curve, Bold & Torch.

You rush home from work and spend quality time with me; not really bothered to make a conversation with those at home.

You can sit up with me for hours and smile at me, yet I have no humanly emotions; sometimes I make u laugh that ppl think u are mad.

I watch your spouse who envies our time together.

But dearie...
I appeal to you.
Your life is wasted because of me.
Take some time, leave me aside and Sort out issues that are important to you
because I may love you as much as you do love me but I'm just a blackberry,
nothing more!.

Kind Pings,
Your BlackBerry


Published in welfare of millions of youth population.


Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone


siddarth pai said…
I charge you too much than neede especially on vodafone

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