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काहे का शोर!

यह तेरा, वह मेरा ये कितने का, वो इतने का. जितने लोग, उतनी आवाजे उतने सुर और उतनी ही ताने. यूँ श्रोता बन बैठे हैं, किसकी माने, किसकी न माने. रेत सी सरकती जिंदगी, बदलते मानदंड, नव अवतरित आशाये क्षणिक मान और उसकी भाषायें, कब से कर्ता बन बैठे हैं जितना करें उतनी अभिलाषाएं. संकट है यह शोर, मेरे और तेरे का मायाजाल कुछ पाने की ख़ुशी, कुछ न पाने का मलाल मन का यह शोर बेमिशाल. बस कुछ सूना जाता है, क्या नहीं करा जाता है. कोई रहे या ना रहे यह शोर, खुद की गवाही करा जाता है. यह फिर कुछ कहता है - यह-वह का चक्कर छोड़ो इस बार इसे सुनते हैं... अब तो द्रष्टा बन बैठे हैं फिर काहे का शोर, काहे की आशाये. - अमित श्रीवास्तव १५ दिसम्बर २००९ © अमित Amit

Selective Secularists of Indian Media need to learn from this!

'As Muslims attacked Switzerland for the ban, they didn't bother to look at the minorities in their own country who daily have been subjected to a similar fate as Muslims in Switzerland and across Europe.' - Joseph Mayton, Guardian, UK Reference: Comment: Speaking truth is what expected from media, but Indian media is sell out its voice... in trade with perks from government.... a bare truth can harm the religious vote bank of a particular party! They also forget so quickly the bad deeds and big scams of their Lords. and we also got faithful educated protagonists who can prove every thing for this as they will get some academic post or govt scholarship. But can anyone cheat its own soul. Ignoring genocide in frontier states (J&K, Assam) and in Vicinity (Pakistan, Bangladesh), for these selective secularists' only concern is a disputed structure made by then an external invader at Mecca of Hindus. H...

Lathi-charge and tear gas on JNU students, 18 are seriously injured!

Minutes ago thousands of police forces freely lathi-charged and shot tear gas bombs on JNU students. Eighteen students including six girls are seriously injured and four others are detained by police. The issue was lame response from police on the vandalism by four goons where eve-teasing and abusing students and flashing firearms on watchmen. Students were protesting against the lukewarm response from Delhi Police. In afternoon, some four persons in a care entered into campus, they were drinking and passing lewd comments on girls. They also misbehaved with on girl. After complaints watchmen stopped them at gate at 3.30 pm, when they were trying to escape. Incidentally I was passing by from the gate, I found those goons were fighting with watchmen, pushing them and abusing them. They also threat for dire consequences to watchmen as they told that they are relative of some ‘commissioner’. A PCR of Delhi police was parked beside but policemen present that time were mere suspect of whole...

Maharashtra Elections: Victory of Congress means what? undercover communalization or promotion of regional rhetoric!

[Prologue: This discussion is based on discussion on Recent Maharashtra Election and its reason, impact and repercussion.] Shishir Kumar Jha Major Trends @ 11:30 am CON+ 135, SS+ 98, MNS 18, 3rd Ft 12 1.A case where the opposition has handed over victory to Con/NCP thrice in a row something must be terribly wrong with the Opposition. 2.Big story - MNS has 18 seats. expect desertion to MNS... from SS in the Mumbai, Thane and Nashik belt. Raj achieved what he wanted. 3. Final voting %age tally for seats where MNS won would tell us about the mobilisation. Amit Srivastava Election results are expected. MNS is congress's child and it paid dividend to it again. Rhetoric often works in Politics. I got the news that MNS is biggest winner within Mumbai. Shishir Kumar Jha The theory of MNS being Congress' child is much too convenient for the BJP/SS alliance to excuse their own incompetence. It is clear that SS just couldn't mobilise people for its 'vision' [?] of Maharashtra ...

जो गुज़र गया वो तो वक़्त था

तेरी आरजू में उडे तो थे चंद खुश्क पत्ते चिनार के जो हवा के जोर सो गिर गया उनमे ये एक खाक-ऐ-सार था, वो उदास उदास इक शाम थी, इक चेहरा था इक चिराग था और कुछ नहीं था जमीन पर एक आसमां का गुबार था। जो गुज़र गया वो तो वक़्त था जो बचा रहा वो गुबार था। मेरा क्या था तेरे हिसाब में मेरा साँस साँस उधार था। - गुलाम अली साहब की एक ग़ज़ल।

Thoughts and Acts

[These thoughts are my reply to an important discussion. It is an answer to those questions raised there... so, questions are obvious hence excluded. ] War never resolve anything. But It decide the future course of Human Civilization ... Religion does not matter, but it is the only thing which can divide a country and people of same race and region. Sin and Virtue become dwarf when en-mass emancipation is called.. for a nation or for a culture. Indians who are indulge into favoritism, sex, corruption, money and all possible crime.. can be united with a greater call to save own existence. with these words. I must say to all. Keep your eyes open. don't fallow words being spread. Use your mind. :) Om tatsat!

रुक जायेगी ज़िन्दगी

रुक जायेगी ज़िन्दगी उस दिन, संतुष्ट हो गया मैं अपने से और अपने आप से जिस दिन. क्षुब्ध हूँ निराश हूँ तो जीवित मेरी प्यास है भूखों-नंगो के दुखों से आहत हूँ तो कुछ कर गुजरने की आस है प्रश्न आते रहेंगे, उत्तर खोजता रहूँगा सारे उत्तर मिल गए जिस दिन नए प्रश्न सोचूंगा उस दिन। २१ सितम्बर २००९ © अमित Amit

स्वतंत्रता दिवस की बधाईयाँ

तेरा वैभव अमर रहे माँ , हम दिन चार रहें न रहें .. - अमित श्रीवास्तव ( चित्र : webduna से साभार )

क्या यही नियति है?

उगते सूरज को शीश नवाते हैं जिससे कुछ मिल जाए, उसकी गाते हैं. जो अस्त होता है उसे चिढ़ाते है. सत्य क्या और नैतिकता क्या, जो सत्तासीन है उसकी सब गातें हैं यह अब सर्वमान्य नियम है, काम हो तो सब भातें हैं. समाज कि क्या यही नियति है? कि जिसके दिन हैं उसकी रातें हैं?! ध्यान दें, यहाँ सब चलता है, शेष तो कहने सुनने कि बातें हैं। ९ अगस्त २००९ © अमित Amit

एक बार फिर से मैं उसी सड़क पर हूँ..

एक बार फिर से मैं उसी सड़क पर हूँ.. जिसके सफ़र का कोई छोर नहीं! बस चौराहे ही हैं, राहगीर कोई और नहीं. ठिठकता हूँ हर बार कि मंजिल पास है शायद मील के पत्थर का कोई जोर नहीं. हर बार कि तरह इस बार भी, मुझे पता नहीं किधर जाना है कोई सराय नहीं... कोई ठौर नहीं.

Great for gays, now what about the rest?

Gay rights are okay. But what about the implications for others. But one has to wonder at the extreme jubilation when gay communities and couples were in many cases perfectly accommodated prior to this ruling.. Following the recent Delhi High Court decision doing away with Section 377, homosexuals erupted into celebrations. However the different sections of society reacted on different lines with perhaps the sharpest reaction coming from Muslims clerics. Though, this decision is certainly a step ahead in individual liberty, there is a need to understand all aspects of this whole episode. So-called page three personalities, self-proclaimed progressives, media people and attention seekers rallied behind homosexuals. But one has to wonder at the extreme jubilation when gay communities and couples were in many cases perfectly accommodated and faced few legal problems, prior to this particular judgement. We need to examine another aspect of this current mood of gay-ism. Many gays and their ...

Contextualization of communal politics in India and role of governments at Centre

by Amit Srivastava Abstract The sectarian politics is known as communal politics in south Asia, particularly in India. The division of colonial India and two nation theory was the greatest outcome of such politics. After independence, there has been a significant rise in the communal politics to consolidate votes by various political parties. In early nineties, a political party became a major political power using such tactics . Divide and rule on the basis of caste was the formula used by the several caste leaders. The new equations were established and these also instigated the tendency of forming regional parties based on regional and caste chauvinism. The number of such regional and caste based parties grew substantially during last decade hence there was a need of new caste combination. Beside this, the larger and sharper segregation was based on religion. The study attempts to assess the new elevations in communal politics in India. The finer nuances of public opinion ...

A tribute to those who died in Teharan

Hail Democracy! Long live the democratic rights!!... Down with suppression and dictatorship of fundamentalists! It was largest gathering in last 30 years... to defend the democracy and to oppose the fraud of fundamentalist govt. Despite all threat from government and Khameinei, people were out to defend their rights! But they were attacked by hardliners, fundamentalists and police forces They dint even spare women Many became victim of brutal attacks Many died in defense of democracy. In time of liberty and globalization, such blots on humanity still exists. Let us join hands for our rights to choose the government we want. Let us pay tribute to those who lost their lives for our democratic rights. Let us remember their sacrifice now and forever ! Uphold our struggle against dictatorship, fundamentalism and suppressive regime.

लाल गिरगिटों की काली करतूत.

पाश के लिए सबसे खतरनाक है सपनो का मर जाना. लेकिन गरीबों के सपनों को बेच देना कही ज्यादा ख़तरनाक है. आलम यह है कि पाश और भगत सिंह का नाम बेचने वाले लाल गिरगिटों ने आज कल शोषितों के सपनों को भी बेचना शुरू कर दिया है! बंगाल से छतीसगढ़ और आँध्रप्रदेश से केरल तक खुनी खेल खेलने वाले ये संगठित अपराधी गरीबों को सब्जबाग दिखा कर उनका शोषण करते हैं... गरीबों के हाथो गरीबो को मरवाते है और खुद विचारक बनाने का ढोंग करते हुए... पार्श्व में बैठ कर ऐशो आराम फरमाते हैं!


मनोबुध्यहंकार चिताने नाहं । न च श्रोतजिव्हे न च घ्राणनेत्रे । न च व्योमभूमी न तेजू न वायु । चिदानंदरुप शिवोहं शिवोहं ॥ १ ॥ न च प्राण संज्ञो न वै पंचवायुः । न वा सप्तधातुर्न वा पंचकोश । न वाक् पाणी पादौ न चोपस्य पायु । चिदानंदरुप शिवोहं शिवोहं ॥ २ ॥ न मे द्वेष रागो न मे लोभ मोहौ । मदे नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभाव । न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्ष । चिदानंदरुप शिवोहं शिवोहं ॥ ३ ॥ न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखम् । न मंत्रो न तीर्थ न वेदा न यज्ञाः । अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता । चिदानंदरुप शिवोहं शिवोहं ॥ ४ ॥ न मे मृत्यू न मे जातीभेदः । पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्मः । न बंधुर्न मित्रं गुरू नैव शिष्यः । चिदानंदरुप शिवोहं शिवोहं ॥ ५॥ अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकार रूपो । विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेंद्रियाणां । सदा मे समत्वं न मुक्तिर्न बंध । चिदानंदरुप शिवोहं शिवोहं ॥ ६ ॥ - द्वारा आदिगुरू श्री शंकराचार्य

तुम्हारे जाने के बाद

बहुत सुंदर था तुम्हारा साथ, दिल को बड़ा शुकून था और हाथों में थे हाथ. सपने जो अपने थे कि चलेंगे साथ साथ. और जब, तुम नहीं हो आज सब कुछ वैसा ही है तुम्हारे बाद. खुश हूँ की उम्मीदों को आराम है अब, और तन्हाई ने पता बताया है अब. चलना तो है ही राह- ए- जिंदगी पे हमसफ़र कोई भी हो, मंजिल तो एक ही है अब. चैन से जीने की चाह हमे नहीं थी, चैन से तो सोना ही है मौत के बाद. चले तो अकेले ही थे, फिर से हो गया है तन्हाईओं का साथ. तुम हो या ये दुनिया है, पता चला है तुम्हारे जाने के बाद. सपने अब हकीकत के आने लागे हैं, दुनिया मिल गयी है तुम्हारे जाने के बाद. पूछो हमे या ना पूछो, याद भी चाहे मत करना, हम खुश थे तुम्हारे साथ, लेकिन मुस्कुराये तुम्हारे बाद तुम्हे मुबारक हो सुख चैन की जिंदगी और जिंदगी का जोड़ तोड़, हम चलेंगे ऐसे ही दीवानगी के साथ फिकर ना करना हमारी, खुश हैं तुम्हारे बाद. अमित श्रीवास्तव , १७ मई २००९ © अमित Amit

Is the times of India a rouge news paper?

As we know, major media houses are in hands of communists and congressmen. This fact controls the behavior of public opinion in county at much larger scale. They have been always promoting the weathered ethical values in respect of Indian tradition. News and opinions are always far from reality in most of crucial cases, even we count the upper strata of English speaking Indians. Metro centered media houses are only concern with big cities and celebrities. While major social, economical and development issues get space in once in blue moon, those too in some narrow corner strip. The Hindu is exception to this trend; however it is highly biased for left ideology । When communists kill people, The Hindu supported them openly in Nandigram incident. For time being we can forget their political inclination in order to look at their ethical stand. I found the times of India stand at top with all rubbish, non ethical news on its front page. Yesterday that is 10 May 2009, the front ...

दुआ माँगी तो दर्द मिला

दुआ माँगी तो दर्द मिला, बहार निकले तो मौसम सर्द मिला. चाह थी दुनिया भर के प्यार की, मतलब के लोग मिले और प्यार का आसमान जर्द मिला. यूँ ही दरियादिल बनने चला था मैं, मुझे जो भी मिला, खुदगर्ज़ मिला! - अमित श्रीवास्तव, १ मई २००९ I did ask for blessings (English translation by author himself.) ---------- I did ask for blessings, but received only pain. when I came out, the weather got cold. I was trying to spread the love around the world, Got the people of means, Found the livid sky of love. I just came to make the flush of affection, In response what I got; got selfish! - Amit Srivastava, 1st May 2009 © अमित Amit

Cross Roads of Life and A Monologue.

A feeling which is the origin of all depression is 'sense of losing'. And we occasionally get it. Sensible me feel it more often. Nevertheless, it doesn't last longer with me. A doctrine of life helps me a lot in coping. What is there to loose? What if something not coming to you? Why are you so concern about the things which did not stay? From birth to death, we gain something.. constantly- initially, the blessed life with energy and youthfulness and in lather, we gain experiences and also find to final reality of all events of life-stage. This is how I find myself at a decisive cross road of thoughts. This is how I derive all answers from the self deductive method of monologue: Absolutely there is not thing to loose. And in this regard I remember the famous quote of a French Geographer and Historian Lucien Fevre "there are no necessities only possibilities" Nothing gonna change, if something is not coming to me. Because, there might be other things to come ...

Film Screening

Film Screening on 11 April 2009 1. The Truth About Communism (Documentary) 2.The Bloody History of Communism (Documentary) Date: 11 April, Saturday Time: 9:00 PM Onwards Venue: Basketball Court, K।V। Grounds, J.N.U.

राजनीति का बिगुल बजा है

राजनीति का बिगुल बजा है, शकुनी सारे पिल पड़े हैं. लुटा रहे दोनों हाथो से, राज-मूषको ने बिल भरे हैं. जात धरम पर बाँट रहे ये, अपनी चाँदी काट रहे. पुलिस, न्याय और प्रशासन इनके तलवे चाट रहे. - अमित श्रीवास्तव , ९ अप्रैल २००९ © अमित Amit

Political Movement of Youth For Euality

Youth For Equality is launching a political wing, which initially has 20,000 students, doctors, engineers, lawyers and common people from civil society. Huge numbers of faculties from various institutions have also joined this movement and today this movement goes public. This political movement by non-political people is historic as for the first time more than 20,000 students, doctors, engineers, lawyers and faculty-members of various educational institutions across India have come together to launch this movement. Youth for Equality will not follow the usual route of other political parties in selecting candidates but will support a person who will support our ideology, who will be selected as a People’ Candidate through an open selection process by various organizations, NGO’s, Resident welfare associations and civil society. Unique features of Our political movement First time in the history of India a students organization is launching its polit...

The Manifesto of Big Loot!!

Election mood is getting crazier and ploys are being designed. Most importantly the foxy politicians are busy in counting their 'vote balance' by all means. Caste, religion, class, poverty despair are their favorite categories on which they will plot the game of power. Criminals, Broker and business class lobbies are close ally of their game. Interestingly, media is also becoming champion for agenda prorogation. Yes, here comes the agenda of political parties. Best example is congress announcement on Rice। They will give rice to poor। BJP is likely to fallow the suite. Similarly the popular moves like NREGA and Loan waivers are a short term lures for voters, which would be costing very heavy to Indians. Because lot more money will be gathered and mounted in political accounts. The agenda of political parties are intentionally myopic... they want to gain the vote bank at any cost. The winners of divide and rule policy - 'Congress (i)' is propagating the news that they ...

ज़न्नत की फ़िकर किसे है

ज़न्नत की फ़िकर किसे है, हमे तो आज बस जी लेने दो. क्या पता मयखाना रहे न रहे, दिल खोल कर बस पी लेने दो. हमने तो देखा है सबेरा होते, वक़्त दिन का तो जी लेने दो. हसीं रात होगी या कयामत होगी, सपने रंगीन तो सी लेने दो. बड़े जुल्म-ए-सितम देखे हैं हमने दो घड़ी तो बेफिक्री जी लेने दो. क्या पता मयखाना रहे न रहे, दिल खोल कर आज पी लेने दो. - अमित श्रीवास्तव , २५ फ़रवरी २००९ © अमित Amit

जुनून की तलाश में...

पांव जकड़ गए हैं , और रास्ते खो गए , इंतेज़ार की राह में , कयामत की आश में . हूँ मैं फिर से उस जुनून की तलाश में , कभी इस चाह में , कभी उस आश में .

Lost my self...

...feeling lost since many weeks... and its has been so deeper that now I am getting the remorse of it. And how helpless I am on it... don't know how to tell it to near and dear one.. don't know how would they react on it.. even if I tell it anyhow. But certainly its like a night for my consciousness! I believe, am passing through the darkest part of it. Hoping the dawn's advent is not so long.

They kill and we just watch!

Massacres and Genocide were taking place in Gaza, in Sri Lanka. In fact it is still on. I could not do much this time due to some involvement in looking after a patient in AIIMS Hospital. Seeing in news, my heart was at pain and I was so helpless that I was not able to do anything on it. Whatever reason is, killings of people can not be justify even for a great nation building. But it is pathetic to see, the practices of dark age carnage are still in process. And we proudly claim to be civilized. I have nothing much to say on it. Probably this lyrics of Bob Dylan say it properly- How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly Before they're forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, The answer is blowin' in the wind. How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? Yes, 'n' ho...

I am backward and I need quota!

It was summer of 2006, I was going for a stroll after dinner. Just at the entrance of hostel gate I encountered one of my classmates who was furious about a joke on Arjun Singh. Yes, It was the time when HRD Minister opened his caste electoral card in forms of Quota in educational institute where entrance exams are in practice for admission. Though it has nothing new, and already in practice, this time it was a causing concern as it would compromise over entry in top engineering and medical colleges. Initially this discrimination was for ten years, now it is extended up to endless time. The politicians find a way to keep the fire of caste burning in disguise of social justice. They know, this is not the way to being about social justice. The fact is too far from what we perceive reservations as cure of social injustice. The fellows, who got the cream of reservation, are still getting it, while much needed poor from same social group is still struggling with livelihoo...

Welcome to Criminocracy

You say it the largest democracy of the world. It is just an illusion for self appeasement. There are many underneath facts related with our cerebral democracy. Some interesting facts: - 40 percent of Delhi 's Member of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) are having criminal records. - Before the last general elections in Uttar Pradesh alone, there were 5.3 million dead people on the electoral rolls and another 8.5 million voters listed as missing. - One in four MPs are criminal. According to a study by Bangalore-based Public Affairs Centre (PAC), an independent watchdog, almost one-forth of the over 540 people elected to India ’s current Parliament face criminal charges ranging from murder to extortion and even rape. - Indian democracy have another record. The first person to be Chief Minister, even after convicted by judicial court : Ms Jayalalitha ( C.M. of Tamilnadu) - One step ahead, convicted for highest crime of homicide, sentenced with the second highest punishment- the life ter...

Welcoming New Year 2009

Bonfire at Midnight snacks with friends